Tool 5.11 Species identification resources
Plant species identification resources
Herbiguide A-Z information on hundreds of weeds. Particularly useful for information on the weed’s lifecycle and identification. |
Restoration of degraded grazing country in the semi-arid areas of NSW This Primefact sets out a procedure to assist in the restoration of our degraded rangelands. |
Restoration of degraded grazing country in the semi-arid areas of NSW |
Grazing resources for Rangelands NSW A list of resources on grazing management, native grasses, and invasive scrub. | |
Grassland Flora - a field guide for the Southern Tablelands (NSW and ACT) A field guide with descriptions and photos of about 300 species in grasslands in Southern Tablelands and elsewhere in south-eastern Australia. | |
Grass Identification Manual – for Everyone A pictorial guide of 78 native and exotic grasses commonly found around Adelaide and in the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia. | |
Native Plant or Weed Pick the difference between native plants and weeds with this essential field guide for land carers, farmers and bush regenerators in coastal and high-rainfall areas. | |
Managing Tasmanian Native Pastures – a Technical Guide for Graziers This guide provides information about managing native pastures in Tasmania. The emphasis is on the conservation and sustainable management of these semi-natural ecosystems in the context of a productive farm enterprise. Sheep grazing on native pastures can maintain and enhance biodiversity values. |
MLA Pasture Paramedic A decision-making tool that allows rapid assessment of pasture condition in the medium to high rainfall zones of southern Australia, northern NSW and the WA wheatbelt. | |
WEEDeck 300 identification cards with photographs to identify a range of Australian weeds. |
Insect identification resources
Insects – A field guide to insects in Australia Over 300 colour photographs that show the insects in their natural habitat, and the line drawings clearly illustrate subtle differences where identification is tricky. |
CSIRO insect guide Provides identification keys and information to the 600+ insect families of Australia. |
Cesar Insect identification A identification guide of over 50 agricultural invertebrate pests and management options for control. |
Integrated pest management (IPM) in crops and pastures IPM systems can increase biodiversity on mixed farming enterprises and reduce the environmental impact of the business. |
The Beatsheet The latest research and tools for pest management for Australia’s northern grains region, but it has a lot of information relevant to pasture insects | |
Good bug? Bad bug? A quick identification guide for pest and beneficial insects in summer pulses, soybeans, peanuts and chickpeas. Though this guide is cropping-focused, it contains great species identification, and a lot of the bugs are common to pastures. |