Making More from Sheep Australian Wool Innovation Limited Meat & Livestock Australia
Making More from Sheep

Making More from Sheep webinar series

Sheep analgesia - applications, benefits and options - 10/7/18

Professor Bruce Allworth - Charles Sturt University

In this webinar Professor Bruce Allworth of Charles Sturt University will be discussing "Numnuts" & other pain relief options for sheep. Join this webinar for important information about:

  • Where and why pain relief should be used on sheep.
  • What the benefits of pain relief may be.
  • What pain relief products are out there and their relative merits.
  • What is the future of pain relief in sheep production systems.

Lifetime Maternals - management guidelines for maternal ewes - 5/7/18

Dr Andrew Thompson - Murdoch University

In this webinar lead researcher Dr Andrew Thompson will be updating the Australian Lamb Industry with recent findings and recommendations coming from MLAs much anticipated Lifetime Maternal Ewe project. Attend this webinar if you wish to understand:

  • Impacts of maternal ewe nutrition during pregnancy and lactation on ewe and progeny performance.
  • Maternal ewe preliminary 'feed on offer' targets for pregnancy and lactation.
  • Maternal ewe recovery and impacts on next joining.
  • Next steps of the program including development of profit based management guidelines.

Prime lamb market update - 20/6/18

Phil Graham - Graham Advisory

In this MLA webinar, pasture guru Phil Graham will be dealing with the ever-pressing issue of winter pasture growth for prime lamb producers. With an infamously failed autumn break behind us and a cold hard winter in front, the time taken for pasture to grow to target dry matter levels for lambing and lactation will be the difference between tens of thousands of dollars of supplementary feeding for many producers.

Join this webinar to hear from one of our industry's best about:

  • The drivers of winter pasture growth.
  • Expected growth rates for some selected locations.
  • How good or how bad winter pasture growth can be.
  • Dry matter targets to stop feeding
  • How much supplementary feeding is in front of us before we are out of trouble
  • How we might plan for feeding over the lambing/lactation period.

The drivers of winter pasture growth and how 2018's winter will play out - 13/6/18

Angus Gidley-Baird - Rabobank

In this webinar, Rabobank's Senior Animal Protein Analyst, Angus Gidley-Baird will deliver on the current state of the lamb market. The end of the 2018 financial year is a great chance to take a strategic look at your product's place in the protein market. Angus has a wealth of "big picture' data and will be able to provide a strategic overview of lamb supply and demand, along with looming trends with our biggest lamb customers. Watch this webinar to learn about:

  • The domestic demand for lamb.
  • Global demand and supply of lamb.
  • Long term price trends and seasonality.
  • If our customer is changing, should we be changing our product?
  • Are Aussie lambs getting too big.

Key ewe health challenges around lambing time - 16/5/18

Dr Paul Nilon -  Nilon Animal Health and Dr Bruce Watts - Local Land Srevices

In this webinar, sheep health expert Dr Paul Nilon from Tasmania, supported by Central Tablelands Vet Dr Bruce Watts, addresses the prevention & management of key ewe health challenges at and around lambing time. Listen to this webinar to learn about the prevention and management of key ewe diseases such as:

  • Pregnancy toxeamia
  • Hypocalcemia
  • Mastitis
  • Prolapse
  • worms

Worm control in prime lamb ewes - 8/5/18

Dr Bea Kirk and Dr Angus Campbell -  Mackinnon Project

Worms are public enemy No. 1 to most sheep, and prime lamb flocks are no exception, In this webinar, Mackinnon Project consultant, Dr Bea Kirk, supported by Dr Angus Campbell (Mackinnon Project) will be addressing some of the must-know principles of worm control in prime lamb flocks and the most recent research. Attend this webinar if you wish to understand:

  • The different types of worms, their effect and control.
  • How to interpret faecal egg counts.
  • Why a merino worm control program may not work for prime lamb flocks.
  • What a good prime lamb worm program might look like.
  • The practical implications of some of the most recent research conducted in this area.
  • Should I be drenching lambs on the ewes to increase growth rates.

Nitrogen and Gibberellic Acid - the principles, production and profits for prime lambs - 04/04/18 

Basil Doonan and Jason Lynch -  Macquarie Franklin

In a time where producers should be digging deep into their toolbox to find options to boost production, it seems that proven performers nitrogen and giberellic acid are being under utilised.

To lime or not to lime - 28/03/18 

Jim Virgona - Graminus Consulting, with Nathan Ferguson (Graminus Comsulting) and Jason Condon (Charles Sturt University)

Boasting a trifecta of experts, this long anticipated webinar by leading pasture production consultancy, Graminus Consulting and CSU's Dr Jason Condon has proven to be one of the most practical and informative 60 minute educational opportunities available to producers on liming pastures.

The effect of ewe mob size and stocking rate on lamb survival - 20/03/18 

Amy Lockwood - Melbourne University

The effect of lambing mob size and density on lamb survival has been a data free zone for too long, with producers relying on anecdotal evidence and suspicion to assist their lambing ewe management. This webinar provides prime lamb producers with the most up-to-date results from a far reaching national project focusing on understanding the effect of ewe mob size and stocking density on lamb survival. It will also take a brief look at the possible income and costs born from increasing lamb survival by this method, and whether it may be a practical solution to lamb mortality in your context.

Quantitative Prime Lamb Genetics - The formation of, differences between and practical applications of ASBVs and breeding indices plus a Sheep Genetics Panel session.  - 14/03/18 

Clara Collison - Sheep Genetics; Dr Andrew Swan - Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit; Dr Daniel Brown - Sheep Genetics

This is a Sheep Genetics webinar and unlimited Q & A panel session with leading prime lamb geneticists, Dr Andrew Swan and Dr Daniel Brown.

MLA Webinar attendees are taken deeper into the science of prime lamb quantitative genetics, the formation and differences of breeding indices, plus given the opportunity to have their questions answered by the geneticists behind the development of prime lamb ASBVs. We recommend the webinar to  prime lamb producers who:

  • Are interested in ASBVs and how they work
  • Are keen to learn the possible benefits of quantitative genetics
  • Want to know the practical application of sheep genetics research
  • Want to understand the relative economics of different traits and how they are calculated
  • Are confused about the differences between desired gain and relative economic value indexes.

Building a fertilizer program to meet prime lamb production benchmarks - 27/02/18 

Tim Prance - T Prance Rural Consulting

The backbone of a productive prime lamb business is high pasture productivity. Feeding pastures is also an expensive business and we want to make sure we are getting it right.

In this webinar, experienced pasture expert Tim Prance shows us what good pasture productivity can be using practical and research based evidence. Tim talks to the economics of fertilizer use and how we can make good returns on investment into fertilizer. The crux of this webinar is Tim using his 40+ years of experience to provide the audience with a pragmatic approach to developing a fertilizer program to assist them meet prime lamb productivity targets. The webinar is recommended for producers interested in ramping up their prime lamb business.

2017 Lamb Business Performance update - 22/02/18 

David Brown - Holmes Sackett

2017 was a good year for prime lamb, generating profits 44% higher than 2016. However, it was a good year for all common broadacre enterprises and prime lamb was the least profitable in comparison. There are challenges ahead for prime lamb if it is to remain competitive among the other broad acre enterprises. This webinar teases out where the enterprise is performing well and where the opportunities for improvement are. The relationship between cost of production and production is unpacked in an easy to understand manner, and it takes a closer look at what the long term performance of a small cohort of prime lamb producers looks like.

This webinar is a must view for the prime lamb producers who are focused on increasing the profitability and viability of their flocks through increasing production and reducing cost of production.

Sheep meat eating quality: an MSA industry update - 15/02/18 

Professor Dave Pethick - Murdoch University & Meat Standards Australia

The presenter of this webinar, Professor Dave Pethick, is a meat eating quality guru. More than your average red meat lover, there's not much about meat, from paddock to plate, that he doesn't know. What's better is that Professor  Pethick is hailed as the "layman's Professor", using plain language and humour to break down complex meat eating quality science into easily understood principles for us and the wider industry.

Whether you are a lamb producer, or just passionate  about red meat in general, it's highly recommended that you view this webinar. Some of the topics covered are:

  • Is lamb eating quality an issue?
  • How does lamb eating quality, and variation in eating quality, stack up against competing meats and what are the implications for the industry?
  • What is the effect of lamb age on eating quality?
  • Other drivers of lamb eating quality.
  • Recent research developments, outcomes and relevance.
  • An MSA update - how is the program progressing, what is the industry uptake and is it meeting objectives?

Chemical manipulation of ewe reproduction to increase lambing rates - what pays and what doesn't? - 13/12/17 

John Webb Ware - Mackinnon Project

Two products, Regulin® and Ovastim®,  both aim to increase ewe conception and lamb marking rates. However, they cost and it's not as simple as needling your ewes with the drugs. They work in different ways and are applicable in different circumstances. They have different efficacy and this efficacy will manifest itself differently in different circumstances.  Most importantly to understand is the likely economic benefits of using the product and whether or not it is worthwhile in your business. This webinar provides answers to these questions and more.

Increasing wool income from prime lamb flocks- 6/12/2017

Andrew Woods (Independent Commodity Services) & David Brown (Holmes Sackett)

Wool income is a minor contributor to prime lamb income and it is worth exploring what options may be available to increase it. In the first part of this webinar, market analyst Andrew Woods illustrates where gains can be found in the preparation of the prime lamb wool clip and shows us what those gains may be worth. In the second part of the webinar, farm business consultant David Brown takes a closer look at whether or not producers should be including some selection pressure on fleece related traits into their self-replacing prime lamb breeding indices.

Using teasers to increase prime lamb reproduction rates- 29/11/17

Ashley Herbert - Agrarian Management

The use of teasers is a familiar idea to most, but surprisingly not well understood.Join this webinar to hear respected WA sheep and farm management consultant Ashley Herbert detail the evidence for and against teasers stemming from a review of the literature, and where teasers can add value to prime lamb flocks.

Proposed changes to the definition of lamb in Australia- 20/11/2017

Sandy McEachern - Holmes Sackett

In this webinar, Sandy McEachern of Holmes Sackett updates prime lamb producers on the proposed changes to the definition of lamb and what the implications will be for prime lamb producers. This is an important webinar for producers affected by the current definition of lamb, or those who may be affected by the new proposed definition of lamb.

Topics to be covered in this webinar:

  • What is the current definition of lamb?

  • What are the changes being contemplated?

  • What are the implications for producers?

  • What it will mean to market access?

  • What does it mean for lamb eating quality?

  • What difference will it make to the allowable age of lambs?

  • What % of lambs slaughtered is it likely to affect?

  • Probable changes to on farm production systems?

  • What is the public consultation process and how can submissions be made?

Shearing prime lambs for increasing growth rate- 16/11/2017

Prof Bruce Allworth - Charles Sturt University

There wouldn't be a lamb producer who hasn't been told to "knock the wool off" their lambs by agents, neighbours and traders to increase growth rate. But, what does the science say? There are definitely other extraneous benefits of shearing lambs, such as reducing grass seed and fly problems, but increased growth rate may not be one of them . Bruce, an emphatic proponent of evidence based solutions to farm management issues, delivers this punchy and succinct webinar for the thinking grazier.

Achieving > 300g/day prime lamb growth rates - 4/10/2017

Hamish Dickson - AgriPartner  Consulting

** Disclaimer: please note that there are sound quality issues with this recording**

Lamb growth rate is one of the key drivers of prime lamb enterprise profit, but there is some evidence that growth rates haven't improved for 40 years. Data coming from industry benchmarking services suggests that target benchmarks and genetic potential of 300 - 400 g/day are rarely being achieved in commercial flocks. In this webinar leading ruminant nutritionist, Hamish Dickson, unpacks the questions of what does it take to achieve 300g/day lamb growth rates from birth to sale? what pastures and management strategies are needed to realise the genetic potential of lambs?

Lameness in prime lamb flocks - 8/11/2017

Paul Nilon - Nilon Animal Health

In this webinar, Paul Nilon, an experienced large animal vet of 30 years, addresses the common and costly issue of lameness in prime lamb flocks. Paul discusses how to identify and manage the big ones, such as foot abscess and footrot, and also deals with the less recognizable issues of rickets and scabby mouth. Paul draws on his experience to provide simple and clear recommendations around prevention and treatment of lameness in prime lamb flocks, and identifies the best course of action for a range of diseases.

When to wean crossbred lambs - 1/11/2017

Dr John Webb Ware - The Mackinnon Project, University of Melbourne

This webinar, delivered by Mackinnon Senior Consultant John Webb Ware, takes a closer look at the circumstances where producers may or may not wean their cross bred lambs. John distills a raft of peer reviewed research into simple messages to help the audience understand important considerations like duration of lactation, lamb pasture intake and the growth performance of early and late weaned lambs under different pasture conditions. John talks expansively about the broader issues of pasture growth curves, stocking rate, pasture utilisation and pasture mixes and their impact on the decision to wean. Target market will also affect the weaning decision, and the producers ability to get ewes back into suitable condition in time for the next seasons joining. Review this webinar to grow your knowledge around the important issues of juggling high quality pasture resources in the spring for optimising profitability.

Finishing lambs on grain this summer: will it pay? - 25/10/2017

Geoff Duddy - Sheep Solutions

This webinar, delivered by respected sheep consultant Geoff Duddy of Sheep Solutions, fleshes out the issue of whether or not it will pay for prime lamb producers to finish lambs on grain over the next few months. Geoff’s ‘too-the-point’ presentation looks at the key factors that drive the success of lot feeding lambs, and uses data to demonstrate that the margins are tight on lot feeding, especially while store lamb price are trading strongly against the trade lamb prices. Geoff shows attendees how to use the Sheep CRC lot feeding calculator that he co-developed, and presents some handy ‘rules of thumb’ that producers can start applying straight away to determine what options they have available to deal with their store lambs when spring feed quality turns for the worst.

A feed grain market outlook - 18/10/2017

Richard Perking - Market Check

This webinar, delivered by Market Check's Head of Advisory, Mr Richard Perkins, unpacks the issue of "where to now" for feed grain prices over the next few months. Richard leads the conversation with a brief overview of the current global and domestic grain market, which lays the platform for a better understanding of short-to-medium term feed grain market trends. Richard gives an indication of where he thinks the key feed grains will trend up to and beyond harvest, and when producers should be looking to fill their silos for this summer and autumn. Underpinning Richards predictions is a robust discussion around the structure of Australia’s feed grain market so that webinar participants can begin to make their own estimates of the feed grain market as conditions evolve coming into the all-important 2017  harvest.

The visual clues of mal-performing pastures - 29/9/2017

Jim Virgona and Nathan Ferguson - Graminus Consulting

Livestock managers need to stop the car, get out and observe their pastures correctly. Windscreen agronomy, aptly termed by webinar presenter and leading pasture agronomist Jim Virgona, just doesn't cut it!

This webinar is a worthwhile investment of time for a livestock manager looking to know more about managing their pastures productivity.

In this webinar, Jim, supported by business partner Nathan Ferguson, describes how a livestock manager can start a diagnostic process through visual observation to begin proactively managing the factors limiting pasture performance. However Jim reiterates that although observation can lead pasture assessment, a verification process of soil testing or leaf tissue testing needs to follow. Jim also talks to issues such as legume content, pasture composition, limiting soil macronutrients and grazing intensity among some of the factors affecting pasture production potential.

Optimal prime lamb flock structure - 10//2017

Sandy McEachern - Holmes Sackett

Understanding the age effects on reproduction rate, lamb growth rate, mortality and depreciation of crossbred ewes is important when making strategic decisions about the structure of your prime lamb flock. Join this webinar to listen to Sandy McEachern, Holmes Sackett, describe the changes in production of a flock that sells its cast-for-age ewes at different ages. Sandy also talks about the issue of ewe culling decisions and what this means for flock structure and production. As a result of his analysis, Sandy is able to put a rational framework around culling decisions such as being dry or failing to rear a lamb.

Accelerated shearing does it pay - 10//2017

David Brown - Holmes Sackett

This webinar is a must view for wool producers tempted to test the accelerated shearing, or shearing more than once per year, management strategy. David Brown walks the audience through the main issues to consider when testing the economic feasibility of accelerated shearing. David pulls together the science behind the issues, such as the increase in fleece production and its effect on micron and illustrates what this means for fleece value per head. Some aspects of the wool market are also considered such as; what are the effect of costs, price premiums/discounts related to length and and the shearing interval options.

Cost effective vaccination programs - 21/5/2017

Bruce Allworth and guest panelist Matt Playford

This webinar is for sheep producers looking to learn more about the action of vaccines and how to make an informed decision on whether they should be vaccinating or not. Bruce Allworth outlines what vaccines are available and the break-even point of production losses for key vaccines to warrant investment. Following the webinar is an extensive question time where Bruce's systems approach to vaccination decision making is supported by the excellent technical knowledge of Matt Playford (Dawbuts), representing the Zoetis Veterinary Operations Team.

Sheep lice - getting them out, keeping them out - 26/4/2017

Dr Peter James - University of Queensland

This webinar is for wool producers who want to gain or maintain a lice-free status. Dr Peter James has been working with sheep ectoparasites for 30 years and has been team leader of the Liceboss program. Peter uses this webinar as a platform to bring progressive producers the big ticket items on sheep lice management. Peter draws on real trial data to demonstrate how lice proliferate over time and what the implications are for management. He shows how they are transferred and what the vectors are for lice movement. The history of lice prevalence is traced back to the early 80's and how it has responded to the development of resistance to certain active chemicals.  Decision support tools available top producers are also discussed.


Wool businesses benchmarks update - 19/4/2017

David Brown - Holmes Sackett

This webinar is recommended viewing by producers interested in the key principles behind specialist wool business profitability and the characteristics of highly profitable wool flocks over the long term. In 2015/16, 91 specialist wool flocks were bench-marked as part of the national Holmes Sackett bench-marking program. The first part of this webinar provides a brief overview of the financial performance of these flocks and how they compare to lamb and beef production. The second part of the webinar teases out the key findings of a deeper analysis into the performance of eight top performing wool flocks over the last 5 years. This analysis is used, along with Holmes Sackett's broader understanding of the factors underpinning wool flock profitability, to develop a range of key production and financial bench-marks suitable for setting wool business strategy in a range of regions. 

Simplifying Ram Selection through the use of emerging sheep genetics technologies - 12/4/2017

Lu Hogan - Sheep CRC

The use of advanced sheep genetic assessment technologies is gaining traction in the Australian sheep industry as their accuracy and usability increases. Australian Sheep Breeding Values, or ASBVs are one key component underpinning these technologies that allow producers to make better informed genetic selection choices.

In this webinar Lu Hogan of the Sheep CRC, provides the audience with a thorough overview of how ASBVs are applied in a sheep business. Lu outlines how the ASBVs are generated and how they allow us to determine the relative economic values of different rams. Lu explains the different selection indexes stemming from ASBVs. Lu also provides some insight into how and why producers are starting to use online tools such as RamSelect, which allows producers to peruse a range of rams based on their genetic merit across different studs and breeds. Lu explains how producers are able to build their own "ram team' genetic profile using a ram select account and how this assists producers continually improve the average genetic merit of their rams. Lastly, Lu talks about the emerging technologies that allow producers to generate a genetic profile of their ewe base, which ensures that producers are able to select rams that complement their business.

Prime Lamb Benchmarks: an industry update - 5/4/2017

Sandy McEachern - Holmes Sackett

Hitting a range of key production and financial benchmarks can more than double prime lamb profits. Knowing what these benchmarks are and the managment strategies to achieve them is fundamental to strong long term prime lamb profitability.

In this webinar, delivered by farm business consultant Sandy McEachern, we learn what benchmarks have the greatest effect on prime lamb profitability, what the targets for each benchmark are and some insight on how we cam manage our flocks towards them. The key drivers of lamb production per hrctare and per DSE are discussed and consideration is given to how best influence these drivers through management and enterprise strategy. In addition to production, Mr McEachern outlines what a sensible cost structure per ewe looks like to assist producers better their cost of production. 

Prioritising pasture expenditure for the year ahead - 15/03/17

Phil Graham - NSW DPI

In this webinar, soil and pasture expert Phil Graham focuses on where the best returns come from when investing into higher pasture production. Phil draws on years of experience working with producers and regional soil clubs, and data from a long term fertiliser trial at Bookham, NSW, to provide practical recommendations on the best approach to pasture investment.

Wool quality discounts  – what are they worth and should we be managing them? - 22/03/17

Andrew Woods - Wool Analyst

In this webinar, Andrew Woods of Independent Commodity Services is assessing today's wool quality discounts in a historical context to help us understand what the future may bring, and what this may mean for the management of wool flocks and marketing of your annual clip.

Summer Worm Management – a worm control update - 15/12/16

Dr Rob Woodgate

In this webinar, Dr Woodgate provides an overview of which worms are most important to manage, the biology of worm control, the issues of resistance and the cost effectiveness of worm treatment. Dr Woodgate also describes how to use chemical and non-chemical worm control measures to improve drench efficacy.

Joining management of sheep - 20/12/16

Ass. Prof. Bruce Allworth

In this webinar, Associate Professor Bruce Allworth tackles the key issues of joining management to set a flock for reproductive success. There is a focus on both ewe and ram management, with a focus on joining length, breeding seasonality, ram effect, nutrition, bodyweight and flushing, an better ram management.

Pre-joining ram inspections - 15/02/17

Dr Matt Playford

In this webinar, Dr Playford steps producers through how to conduct a thorough pre-joining ram inspection to identify and manage issues affecting ram fertility. Dr Playford also discusses overall ram health, and how to get the most of your ram team.

Joining Merino ewe lambs - 22/02/17

James Whale

In this webinar, James Whale takes us through:
-    the feed requirements and critical mating weights of Merino ewe lambs;
-    the level of reproduction a merino ewe lamb is capable of provided sufficient nutrition;
-    the pitfalls of attempting to join ewe lambs without proper management;
-    the range in economic benefits of joining ewe lambs determined by key variables; and
-    the tips to maximise pregnancy scanning rates.

Reproductive problems in sheep – Diseases and trace elements - 01/03/2017

Ass. Prof. Bruce Allworth

In this webinar, Associate Professor Bruce Allworth focuses on diseases and trace element deficiencies that affect ewe reproduction such as goitre and campylobacter. Bruce provides basic recommendations on how to manage these diseases and when to watch out for them.